who is CCJ?
Christina C. Jones is a best-selling romance novelist and digital media creator.
A timeless storyteller, she is lauded by readers for her ability to seamlessly weave the complexities of modern life into captivating tales of Black characters in nearly every romance subgenre. In addition to her full-time writing career, she co-founded Girl, Have You Read – a popular digital platform that amplifies Black romance authors and their stories. Christina has a passion for making beautiful things, and be found crafting, cooking, and designing and building a (literal) home with her husband in her spare time.
Can I Send You My Manuscript For Feedback?
No. I do not offer any type of feedback services because I do not have the time or desire to embark on such an endeavor at this place in my life.
Can You Coach/Mentor Me On My Publishing Journey?
Not on a personal level, but I’m very open with the majority of knowledge and experience I have in this industry, most of which I’ve shared via my YouTube channel. If you can’t find the answers you’re looking for there, feel free to drop a question! I’ve also designed a planning resource for authors that you might found valuable - Momentum Shift.
Can We Collaborate On A Book/Series?
It’s giving stranger danger sis, LOL.
Can I Purchase Signed Paperbacks?
Only at certain times of the year. When I have them, I’ll make announcements on my site and in my newsletter to put the word out.
Where Is The Followup To Love And Other Things?
It never came to fruition, and I do not have any plans to revisit – other couples, with fresh stories, have taken precedence.
Can You Write Another Book For My Favorite Couple?
Sorry, my brain doesn’t work like that! I leave all my couples in a place where they’re happily together, and I’m always satisfied with the story I’ve told. When I type the end, it’s the end for me.
Can I Purchase Signed Paperbacks?
Only at certain times of the year. When I have them, I’ll make announcements on my site and in my newsletter to put the word out.
Will There Be More Connecticut Kings Books?
The chances are good, but none are currently in the works!
I Missed The Specialty Box You Did – will they be Restocked?
No. For now, any specialty boxes I do will be exclusive to the highest tier subscription on my Patreon.
Do Chloe And Reggie Have A Story?
Not currently, and I do not have plans to write one.
will you write a cookbook?
I don’t use actual measurements unless i’m baking - you don’t want a cookbook from me LOL.
Still have questions?
Please feel free to reach out! But keep in mind that any questions about release dates or upcoming projects are most likely answered already on one of my social media channels - if there is an answer!