Sample Sunday - Caution - They’re Vampires, Love

I let out a sigh of relief as I picked up the last box of flowers -  a box of my proudest accomplishment, red and white striped roses I was charging a pretty penny for since they weren't something I've been able to consistently replicate.

I took the box precariously under my arm so I could fish my keys from my pocket and lock the rear door before I headed out to my vehicle, since I wouldn't be going back inside. While my back was turned to the lot though, the strangest feeling crept up on me.


Familiar, like what I'd experienced the other night.

My head whipped around, scanning my surroundings for a potential threat. When I didn't see anything in the well-lit lot, I shook my head.

“Please, Brosia,” I scolded myself. “Get a fucking grip.”

I finished locking up and started moving towards my car, reminding myself that I’d already decided I imagined a lot of what occurred that night.

I was exhausted, sleep deprived, and watched a lot of creepy shit.

Of course my imagination was wild.

I was almost at my vehicle when movement in my peripheral pulled my attention.

From more than one direction.


An immediate sense of dread washed over me as I put my back to the rear doors of my SUV, eliminating one possible angle I'd have to defend myself from. I let the crate of flowers drop, not caring about the mess as the wood splintered on impact with the concrete.

I needed my hands free – keys threaded through my fingers on one hand, my pepper gel back in the other. As my flowers spilled across the ground, my would-be assailants all drew back like they were weapons, as if they weren't the aggressors.

Because what the hell else could four motherfuckers be up to, sneaking up on a woman alone, shrouded in the dark?

“They can't touch you,” a familiar voice sounded from the dark, the sudden intrusion making them recoil again. I immediately recognized the voice as Mr. Black from a few nights before, by the exit to the building.

“What are you talking about,” I asked, confused, but not particularly… afraid.

Not of the others, at least.

A strange feeling, like my fear had just been suddenly pulled from me.

“And… why are you here?” I continued, looking around from one shadowy figure to the next.

“You really don't know?” he asked, and I shook my head.

“They’re vampires, love.”


Sample Sunday - courtside


Sample Sunday - Call and Response - Is it Personal To You?